HUNGAROBOX – Survey of Hungarian online glossaries and vocabulary exercises
The Hungarobox Learning Partnership is a two-year long Grundtvig project that brings together five institutions from Finland, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, and Italy, each of them dealing with adult education and language teaching (Hungarian).
The aim of the project is sharing and change of experience and good practices among the partner organizations, especially in the field of teaching vocabulary, and, additionally, in getting acquainted with other educational institutions’ practices.
The project also aimed at defining the possibilities to prepare a multilingual online glossary and an exercise package for Hungarian.The partners have previous experience of preparing materials for teaching and learning Hungarian during the projects and Te-Le-Hu.
The project has produced a pilot online glossary, containing commonly used vocabulary and expressions with ICT as a topic (levels B1 – B2) in the languages of the partners. Later, the glossary may serve as a basis for future cooperation of the partners.
An exercise package has also been compiled for learning ICT vocabulary.
In addition to partner meetings, workshops and seminars for teachers of Hungarian have been organized. Partners have also participated in several seminars, and thus created networks between colleagues.
Hungarian belongs to the less spoken European languages and hence, developing possibilities for teaching and learning the Hungarian language as well as dissemination and exchange of good practices and information among the participating teachers and organisations promotes the linguistic diversity in Europe.
Learning vocabulary is an essential part of learning a language. However, it is often paid less attention to than other parts of language skills. In teaching and learning the Hungarian language, up-to-date material for learning and exercising vocabulary is most welcome, since there are not many materials available for this purpose either in Hungary or the other participating countries.
Main outcomes
- Mapping out the existing online glossaries of Hungarian
- Mapping out the existing materials for teaching and learning Hungarian vocabulary
- A survey of possibilities to prepare a multilingual online glossary of Hungarian
- A survey of possibilities to prepare an exercise package for teaching and learning Hungarian vocabulary
- A pilot online glossary (topic ICT, level B1-B2, languages: Hungarian to Estonian, Finnish, German, Italian & keywords also in English)
- Exercise package for learning and exercising Hungarian vocabulary (topic ICT)
- Workshops for teachers and learners of Hungarian and participation in seminars
- Webpage for project information and for the results (vocabulary, exercises)
- Exchange of good practises, sharing experiences, getting acquainted with partner countries’ practices
- New ideas for further cooperation
Go to the webpage!
We are in EST
You can find more information about the project also in the EST database:
Lifelong Learning Programme
GRUNDTVIG Learning Partnerships
Project time
1.8.2013 – 31.7.2015
- Suomi-Unkari Seura – Finn-Magyar Társaság ry – Finland
- Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem, Magyar Nyelvtudományi Tanszék – Hungary
- Universität Hamburg, Institut für Finnougristik/Uralistik – Germany
- Tartu Ülikool, Eesti ja üldkeeleteaduse instituut, Soome-ugri osakond – Estonia
- Università degli Studi di Firenze, Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Studi interculturali – Italy
Marjatta Manni-Hämäläinen
tel. +358 41 5379302
Suomi-Unkari Seura
Kaisaniemenkatu 10
00100 Helsinki, Finland
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
Hankkeeseen on saatu Euroopan komission tukea. Suomessa Elinikäisen oppimisen ohjelman / Grundtvig-ohjelman hallinnoinnista ja toimeenpanosta vastaa CIMO, joka on kansainvälisen liikkuvuuden ja yhteistyön asiantuntija- ja palveluorganisaatio.